The meteorological support for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics has entered the stage of full implementation. Weather is one of the key factors for the success of the Winter Olympics. The Winter Olympics snow events are held under the special climatic conditions of the mountains, which are very complicated by the weather and climate. It requires precise event weather forecasts with time to minutes and space to 100 meters, meteorological information services that take into account the needs of many parties, and high-level weather forecasting. Level of communication and organizational service capabilities.
From January 15 to March 31, 2019, the first research group of the Ministry of Science and Technology's "Science and Technology Winter Olympics" research and development project carried out the first observation test in the Zhangjiakou Division of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.
Hangzhou Shallow-Sea Technology Co.,Ltd. was honored to participate in this observation test. From December 2018 to April 2019, the microwave radiometer installed on the roof of the Chongli Montfontaine Hotel, the equipment ran stably during the observation period, and the inversion was good. The observation data generated in the past 5 months are all complete and valid. During the operation, several different types of weather conditions such as snowfall, cloudy days, strong winds and cooling occurred in Chongli County. The microwave radiometer equipment was observed in real time and reflected on the 3D color map. Users are very satisfied with the microwave radiometer observations and give them high marks. In the later Winter Olympics safeguard observation test, Shallow-Sea Technology will also give strong support and assistance, and work together to make more contributions to the successful holding of the wonderful, extraordinary and outstanding Winter Olympics event.
The star product that participated in this observation test - Temperature and Water Vapor Profiling Radiometer.
Figure: Temperature and Water Vapor Profiling Radiometer
The 35-channel MP-3000A Temperature and Water Vapor Profiling Radiometer launched by Radiometrics provides temperature, relative humidity, water vapor density and liquid water profile data from the ground to an upper 10 km area. Combined with advanced neural network inversion algorithms, it provides accurate short-term water forecasts by observing liquid water profiles.
Scope of application:
1. Provide pre-guidance, real-time monitoring and post-event verification for weather modification
2. Monitor small and medium-scale weather phenomena such as fronts, blizzards, rime, freezing rain, etc.
3. Monitoring boundary layer inversion, turbulence, and atmospheric stability of short-term nowcasting
4. Provide forecasting services for disaster emergency, airport air traffic control, highway and urban pollution
5. Aeronautical meteorological decision support, marine meteorological decision support