Ground-based Microwave Radiometer Joint Observation System
The ground-based microwave radiometer joint observation system is composed of a ground-based microwave radiometer and a Doppler wind profiler lidar. Through the joint observation and data comparative analysis of the ground-based microwave radiometer and the wind profiler radar, and superimposing various atmospheric parameters measured by the two devices at a height of 0~10km above the site, the data observed by the ground-based microwave radiometer joint observation system can be obtained by The relevant software in the application system completes the analysis, processes and outputs secondary products, including but not limited to: atmospheric instability index KI, convective effective potential energy CAPE, Sabouraud index SI, gale index Windex.
This system can be used to help forecast and immediately report local lightning, hail, rain, fog, gust front, turbulence, wind shear, air quality and icing probability, etc., and provide data support for short-term, now-aware weather forecast and weather process analysis .

The ground-based microwave radiometer joint observation system is composed of a ground-based microwave radiometer and a Doppler wind profiler lidar. Among them, the ground-based microwave radiometer has the ability to receive temperature and water vapor multi-channel composite atmospheric microwave radiation, and automatically detects various atmospheric parameters such as atmospheric temperature, humidity, vertical distribution of cloud water, water vapor and liquid water content within 10km of the headspace in real time. It can monitor the temperature, humidity, air pressure, precipitation and other meteorological elements and equipment working status information at the work site, and use the full Chinese, graphical integrated processing terminal to record, display and playback in real time. Doppler wind profiler lidar is a kind of remote sensing equipment for high-altitude wind field detection by emitting electromagnetic beams in different directions to the high altitude, receiving and processing the information returned by these electromagnetic beams due to the uneven vertical structure of the atmosphere. Wind profiler radar can detect the change of meteorological elements such as wind direction and wind speed with altitude by using the Doppler effect. It has the advantages of high spatial and temporal resolution and high degree of automation.

  • The hardware and software design of the equipment is in accordance with international standards, and high-quality materials and components are used, which are suitable for observation needs in various environmental scenarios, and can realize long-term field observation applications in all-weather and multi-scene. The design life of the system is more than 10 years, and the continuous and stable working time can be as long as more than 3000 hours

    High stability

    The hardware and software design of the equipment is in accordance with international standards, and high-quality materials and components are used, which are suitable for observation needs in various environmental scenarios, and can realize long-term field observation applications in all-weather and multi-scene. The design life of the system is more than 10 years, and the continuous and stable working time can be as long as more than 3000 hours
  • Atmospheric temperature, humidity, vertical distribution of cloud water, water vapor, liquid water content, wind power, wind direction and other atmospheric parameters from the installation site to a height of 10km in the vertical direction, and can also monitor the temperature, humidity, air pressure, Meteorological elements such as precipitation and equipment working status information are recorded, displayed and played back in real time using a graphical integrated processing terminal

    Detection range

    Atmospheric temperature, humidity, vertical distribution of cloud water, water vapor, liquid water content, wind power, wind direction and other atmospheric parameters from the installation site to a height of 10km in the vertical direction, and can also monitor the temperature, humidity, air pressure, Meteorological elements such as precipitation and equipment working status information are recorded, displayed and played back in real time using a graphical integrated processing terminal
  • The system has a high degree of integration, high stability and low failure rate, and requires little operation and maintenance by users, which can realize long-term unattended observation tasks.

    easy to use

    The system has a high degree of integration, high stability and low failure rate, and requires little operation and maintenance by users, which can realize long-term unattended observation tasks.
  • Design and implement projects in accordance with the requirements of standardization and standardization. The hardware configuration and software use internationally standardized technology to avoid obstacles to system interconnection; fully considering the compatibility of the system, each sub-system can support subsequent upgrades, expansion and development in accordance with standardization and Standardization requires the design and implementation of the project, and the hardware configuration and software adopts the international standardization technology to avoid the obstacles of system interconnection; fully consider the compatibility of the system, and each sub-system can support subsequent upgrades, expansion and development

    Strong scalability

    Design and implement projects in accordance with the requirements of standardization and standardization. The hardware configuration and software use internationally standardized technology to avoid obstacles to system interconnection; fully considering the compatibility of the system, each sub-system can support subsequent upgrades, expansion and development in accordance with standardization and Standardization requires the design and implementation of the project, and the hardware configuration and software adopts the international standardization technology to avoid the obstacles of system interconnection; fully consider the compatibility of the system, and each sub-system can support subsequent upgrades, expansion and development

Artificial weather modification: Using radiometer to monitor cloud layer data provides important reference for the monitoring, catalysis and inspection process of artificial rainfall.

Regional air water resource assessment: Use the radiometer atmospheric humidity detection data to invert the water vapor content in the regional atmospheric stratification to evaluate the air water resource.

Real-time high-precision monitoring of airborne meteorological elements: monitoring atmospheric integral water vapor, temperature, and humidity profiles, liquid water content in clouds, and cloud heights, combined with other equipment to monitor wind, lightning, aerosols, and gas molecules.

Short-term weather forecast: Combine the air moisture and temperature detection data to carry out regional short-term weather forecast.

Disaster weather warning in key areas: Cloud water ice data detection is carried out for airports and air routes to ensure flight safety.

Three-dimensional monitoring and early warning of smog: Based on a variety of data analysis, regional pollution process, regional pollution characteristics, and regional pollution sources, do a good job of current situation assessment, and provide decision-making basis.

Marine environment monitoring: Through the detection of the specific emissivity of the ocean surface radiation, it can remotely sense the marine environment such as ocean salinity, marine infield, and red tide at medium and small scales.

The Beijing Meteorological Bureau has installed and implemented the ground-based microwave radiometer joint observation system of Hangzhou Qianhai Technology, in order to study cloud and fog precipitation, to help forecast and immediately report local lightning, hail, rain, fog, gust front, turbulence, wind shear, Air quality and icing probability, etc., provide scientific and technological basis and data reserves for short-term, near-term weather forecast and weather process analysis.
The picture shows the installation example of the observatory in the southern suburbs of the Beijing Meteorological Bureau
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