Monitoring system of mountain cloud and fog generation and elimination process
The monitoring system for the generation and disappearance of cloud and fog in mountains can directly observe the changes of cloud and fog microphysical structure, visibility, precipitation, temperature and humidity, near-surface vertical wind and ground turbulence at different heights of the mountain, which can be used to reveal the atmospheric boundary layer and surface turbulence in high mountains. The free atmospheric exchange process provides data support for the impact of aerosols, clouds, fog and precipitation and their interactions, further enhancing the benefits of weather modification operations and the ability to develop airborne cloud water resources.

The mountain cloud generation and disappearance process monitoring system is equipped with fog drop spectrometer, three-dimensional ultrasonic anemometer, raindrop spectrometer and six-element automatic weather station gradient observation system.

  • Adopt mature technology, select products with reliable and stable performance, fully consider the environment of system construction and operation, ensure the stable and reliable operation of various equipment and software, and the system has strong fault tolerance and monitoring and management measures. Timely recovery in the event of a system crash

    High stability and reliability

    Adopt mature technology, select products with reliable and stable performance, fully consider the environment of system construction and operation, ensure the stable and reliable operation of various equipment and software, and the system has strong fault tolerance and monitoring and management measures. Timely recovery in the event of a system crash
  • Variation characteristic data of cloud and fog microphysical structure, visibility, precipitation, temperature and humidity, near-surface vertical wind and ground turbulence at different heights of the mountain, including 2-50 μm fog droplet particle microphysical information, 0.2-8mm precipitation particle microphysical information, Temperature, humidity, wind speed, etc.

    Detection range

    Variation characteristic data of cloud and fog microphysical structure, visibility, precipitation, temperature and humidity, near-surface vertical wind and ground turbulence at different heights of the mountain, including 2-50 μm fog droplet particle microphysical information, 0.2-8mm precipitation particle microphysical information, Temperature, humidity, wind speed, etc.
  • The design and implementation of the system saves project investment as much as possible. The system design has excellent performance and high cost performance. The design focuses on reality and practical results, adheres to the principles of practicality and economy, and makes full and rational use of domestic equipment resources to help users save project investment.


    The design and implementation of the system saves project investment as much as possible. The system design has excellent performance and high cost performance. The design focuses on reality and practical results, adheres to the principles of practicality and economy, and makes full and rational use of domestic equipment resources to help users save project investment.
  • Design and implement projects in accordance with standardized and standardized requirements. The hardware configuration and software adopts international standardization technology to avoid system interconnection obstacles; fully considering the compatibility of the system, each subsystem can support subsequent upgrades, expansions and development.

    Strong scalability

    Design and implement projects in accordance with standardized and standardized requirements. The hardware configuration and software adopts international standardization technology to avoid system interconnection obstacles; fully considering the compatibility of the system, each subsystem can support subsequent upgrades, expansions and development.

The monitoring system of mountain cloud and fog generation and disappearance process obtains the vertical distribution of pollutants at different heights in the mountain, the vertical change of temperature and humidity, and the microphysical information of cloud and water particles. Research on key scientific issues such as terrain cloud artificial rain enhancement and hail prevention operation and effect evaluation technology, complex terrain underlying surface land surface process, and mountain ecology.

Liupanshan Meteorological Station is equipped with a national reference climate station and a weather radar station. It is responsible for meteorological observation, Doppler radar observation and early warning in Ningxia, Gansu, and Shaanxi. It is the only one kind of difficult station in Ningxia. Starting from 2019, the cloud observation experimental station will be established, and advanced cloud and fog microphysical particle observation equipment such as fog droplet spectrum FM-120, cloud condensation nucleus counter CCN-100, raindrop spectrum and three-dimensional ultrasonic anemometer will be arranged. Since its operation in September 2019, the fog droplet spectrometer FM-120 has undertaken the main observation tasks of fog microphysical characteristics, providing valuable observation data for Chinese researchers. Local meteorologists have published excellent articles using the FM-120 observation data, such as "Analysis of Macro- and Micro-Physical Characteristics of Liupanshan's Two Heavy Fog Processes", etc. With the successive establishment of cloud and fog observation experimental stations, data sharing of cloud and fog equipment at different cloud and fog observation stations can be carried out through localized technical support for software development.
The picture shows the fog drop spectrometer, rain drop spectrometer and three-dimensional ultrasonic wind speed and direction instrument installed in the Liupan Mountain Topographic Cloud Field Science Experiment Base
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