Ground-based Cloud Condensation Nucleus and Ice Nucleus Detection System
The ground-based cloud condensation nucleus and ice nucleus detection system uses advanced cloud condensation nucleus detection equipment and ice condensation nucleus detection equipment to collect real-time cloud condensation nucleus and ice nucleus data information, which can be used to measure how different substances form cloud droplets in urban environments. to study how pollution affects the formation of clouds and precipitation, and to determine when and where to sow clouds in weather change studies; it can also be used to detect and analyze the microphysical conditions of aerosols, clouds and precipitation in the atmospheric environment to further grasp the area. The microphysical change laws and conditions of aerosols, clouds and precipitation in the atmospheric environment provide data support for weather modification detection and operations.

The ground-based cloud condensation nucleus and ice nucleus detection system is mainly composed of CCN cloud condensation nucleus counter and SPIN ice condensation nucleus counter produced by DMT.

  • Adopt mature technology, select products with reliable and stable performance, fully consider the environment of system construction and operation, ensure the stable and reliable operation of various equipment and software, and the system has strong fault tolerance and monitoring and management measures. Timely recovery in the event of a system crash

    High stability and reliability

    Adopt mature technology, select products with reliable and stable performance, fully consider the environment of system construction and operation, ensure the stable and reliable operation of various equipment and software, and the system has strong fault tolerance and monitoring and management measures. Timely recovery in the event of a system crash
  • It can set the size of a single particle of 0.5μm~15μm and distinguish ice and water droplets, and obtain the particle parameters of 0.75μm~10μm after the activation of cloud condensation nuclei, providing data support and guarantee for aerosol, cloud and precipitation microphysics research

    Detection range

    It can set the size of a single particle of 0.5μm~15μm and distinguish ice and water droplets, and obtain the particle parameters of 0.75μm~10μm after the activation of cloud condensation nuclei, providing data support and guarantee for aerosol, cloud and precipitation microphysics research
  • It is very helpful for the collection and differentiation of aerosol particles

    High sensitivity and high resolution

    It is very helpful for the collection and differentiation of aerosol particles
  • Design and implement projects in accordance with the requirements of standardization and standardization. The hardware configuration and software use internationally standardized technology to avoid obstacles to system interconnection; fully considering the compatibility of the system, each sub-system can support subsequent upgrades, expansion and development. Airborne

    Strong scalability

    Design and implement projects in accordance with the requirements of standardization and standardization. The hardware configuration and software use internationally standardized technology to avoid obstacles to system interconnection; fully considering the compatibility of the system, each sub-system can support subsequent upgrades, expansion and development. Airborne

The ground-based cloud condensation nucleus and ice nucleus detection system can be applied to atmospheric research, climate change research, pollution research, high-efficiency ice core research, weather modification, cloud physics research and other fields.

The Center for Artificial Weather Modification of Shaanxi Meteorological Bureau has carried out observation and research on the cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) in the air and on the ground in the Shaanxi region with the continuous airflow longitudinal thermal gradient cloud condensation nuclei instrument.
The picture shows the CCN-200 of the Weather Modification Center of Shaanxi Provincial Meteorological Bureau
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