Cloud water and aerosol drone detection system
UAV Cloud Water Sensing System (UAV-CWSS) is a sensor integrated system, which is based on a series of equipment produced by DMT Corporation in the United States. The system consists of CDP cloud droplet probe, LWC liquid water sensor and MIP miniature inertial measurement probe. UAVs equipped with the UAV-CWSS system can perform in-situ detection at an altitude of at least 3km for autonomous measurement of cloud droplet concentration, liquid water content and three-dimensional wind data. The system provides a simple and effective method to directly detect cloud water information. The system can be applied to artificial weather modification, cloud physics research and other fields.

The UAV cloud water sensing detection system is composed of CDP cloud drop probe, POPS optical particle counter, MIP micro inertial measurement, LWC liquid water probe and photoelectric pod MG-200S, etc., which are carried on the UAV.

  • Using the in-situ detection sensor integrated by DMT, a well-known manufacturer in the field of meteorological cloud and water detection, the operation is stable and the data reliability is high.

    High stability and reliability

    Using the in-situ detection sensor integrated by DMT, a well-known manufacturer in the field of meteorological cloud and water detection, the operation is stable and the data reliability is high.
  • Equipped with aerosol cloud and fog detection system, the battery life can exceed 120min, the flight platform is mature, the aerodynamic layout is excellent, the platform has good loading capacity, and the flight is stable

    long battery life

    Equipped with aerosol cloud and fog detection system, the battery life can exceed 120min, the flight platform is mature, the aerodynamic layout is excellent, the platform has good loading capacity, and the flight is stable
  • The system can take off at an altitude of 4000m and the cruising altitude can reach 6000m

    high altitude

    The system can take off at an altitude of 4000m and the cruising altitude can reach 6000m
  • Equipped with photoelectric pods, it will collect image and video data on the route, and it can be combined with the data of cloud water detectors for auxiliary analysis of weather phenomena. It can also be used to distinguish different environmental situations such as in-cloud, in-cloud, out-of-cloud, etc., to provide direct criteria for data post-processing

    reconnaissance detection

    Equipped with photoelectric pods, it will collect image and video data on the route, and it can be combined with the data of cloud water detectors for auxiliary analysis of weather phenomena. It can also be used to distinguish different environmental situations such as in-cloud, in-cloud, out-of-cloud, etc., to provide direct criteria for data post-processing
  • It supports fully automatic route flight, with functions such as emergency automatic return, route altitude protection, take-off self-check, and automatic forced landing when power is insufficient, which greatly ensures the safety of flight and equipment.

    Advanced flight control and navigation systems

    It supports fully automatic route flight, with functions such as emergency automatic return, route altitude protection, take-off self-check, and automatic forced landing when power is insufficient, which greatly ensures the safety of flight and equipment.
  • It can be flexibly matched with detection sensors and drone specifications, suitable for a variety of environments and to meet the needs of a variety of detection tasks

    Flexible configuration

    It can be flexibly matched with detection sensors and drone specifications, suitable for a variety of environments and to meet the needs of a variety of detection tasks

The cloud-water aerosol three-dimensional detection system can be used in the fields of aerosol-cloud interaction, artificial weather modification, and cloud physics research. Comprehensive observation of aerosol components and physical properties such as ice condensation nuclei provides data support for early warning of strong convection, thunderstorms and strong winds, and provides reference and basis for weather modification operations.

The UAE Research Program on Enhanced Precipitation (UAEREP) uses autonomous unmanned aerial systems for targeted observation and seeding, and develops an algorithm to make shadowing operations decisions for enhanced precipitation in real time by operating unmanned aerial systems in the UAE.
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