Cloud-Water Aerosol Stereo Detection System
The cloud-water aerosol stereo detection system is mainly composed of cloud, fog and precipitation observation system (monitoring of cloud, fog and precipitation weather phenomena), atmospheric dynamic observation system (monitoring of six meteorological elements, atmospheric thermodynamics and atmospheric dynamic analysis) and aerosol comprehensive measurement system (aerosol sampling, real-time particle size measurement, chemical composition measurement) composition.
The cloud-water aerosol stereo detection system comprehensively observes the aerosol components and physical properties of clouds, fog, rain and hail, as well as cloud condensation nuclei, ice condensation nuclei and other aerosol components and physical properties closely related to various weather phenomena. The weather warning provides data support and provides reference and basis for weather modification operations.

The composition of the cloud-water aerosol stereo detection system is as follows:

1. Cloud, fog and precipitation observation system: 2DVD raindrop spectrum, Disd raindrop spectrum, MPS raindrop spectrum, MRR-2 light rain radar, FM-120 fog droplet spectrum, can be selected according to user needs.

2. Atmospheric dynamic observation system: SMR-100 microwave radiometer, cloud radar W-Lidar, ground conventional weather station.

3. Aerosol comprehensive measurement system: aerosol-cloud microphysical property system (optional for SPIN, CCN, HTDMA), aerosol particle size distribution and composition detection system (optional for SP2, SEMS, GCVI, UHSAS), aerosol laser Radar system (MPL-5000).

  • Adopt mature technology, select products with reliable and stable performance, fully consider the environment of system construction and operation, ensure the stable and reliable operation of various equipment and software, and the system has strong fault tolerance and monitoring and management measures. Timely recovery in the event of a system crash

    High stability and reliability

    Adopt mature technology, select products with reliable and stable performance, fully consider the environment of system construction and operation, ensure the stable and reliable operation of various equipment and software, and the system has strong fault tolerance and monitoring and management measures. Timely recovery in the event of a system crash
  • The macro parameters such as total cloud water content, air temperature, air pressure, airspeed, angle of attack, sideslip angle, and supercooled water content in the flight detection area of the aircraft can be obtained. Microscopic particle parameters such as precipitation particles ranging from 100µm to 6200µm, and particles ranging from 0.75µm to 10µm after activation of cloud condensation nuclei provide data support and guarantee for macro and micro research on high aerosols, clouds and precipitation.

    Detection range

    The macro parameters such as total cloud water content, air temperature, air pressure, airspeed, angle of attack, sideslip angle, and supercooled water content in the flight detection area of the aircraft can be obtained. Microscopic particle parameters such as precipitation particles ranging from 100µm to 6200µm, and particles ranging from 0.75µm to 10µm after activation of cloud condensation nuclei provide data support and guarantee for macro and micro research on high aerosols, clouds and precipitation.
  • The design and implementation of the system saves project investment as much as possible. The system design has excellent performance and high cost performance. The design focuses on reality and practical results, adheres to the principles of practicality and economy, and makes full and rational use of domestic equipment resources to help users save project investment.


    The design and implementation of the system saves project investment as much as possible. The system design has excellent performance and high cost performance. The design focuses on reality and practical results, adheres to the principles of practicality and economy, and makes full and rational use of domestic equipment resources to help users save project investment.
  • Design and implement the project according to the requirements of standardization and standardization. The hardware configuration and software adopt internationally standardized technology to avoid the obstacles of system interconnection; fully consider the compatibility of the system, and each sub-system can support subsequent upgrades, expansion and development.

    Strong scalability

    Design and implement the project according to the requirements of standardization and standardization. The hardware configuration and software adopt internationally standardized technology to avoid the obstacles of system interconnection; fully consider the compatibility of the system, and each sub-system can support subsequent upgrades, expansion and development.

The cloud-water aerosol three-dimensional detection system can be used in the fields of aerosol-cloud interaction, artificial weather modification, and cloud physics research. Comprehensive observation of aerosol components and physical properties such as ice condensation nuclei provides data support for early warning of strong convection, thunderstorms and strong winds, and provides reference and basis for weather modification operations.

In 2021, the national (Lushan) cloud and fog physics test base will start the field observation test. The Lushan cloud and fog physics test base consists of the Lushan cloud and fog test station, the Lushan Meteorological Bureau, the Lushan City Meteorological Bureau, the Chaisang District Meteorological Bureau, as well as Yangtianping, Xiaotianchi, etc. It consists of observation platforms at the top and bottom of the mountain. The Lushan Cloud and Mist-Precipitation Observation Experiment launched this time is based on the existing observation equipment of the Lushan Cloud and Mist Experiment Station, using the existing observation capabilities of other stations on the mountain and below the mountain, and jointly with the Jiangxi Provincial Meteorological Bureau to carry out three-dimensional cloud-precipitation enhanced observation in autumn and winter. . At the same time, the base construction is combined with related scientific research projects to give full play to the multi-source, three-dimensional and all-round observation methods of clouds and precipitation, and to strengthen the research on the macro and micro structures of natural clouds and precipitation.
The picture shows a station in the observation field of Lushan Meteorological Bureau. At this stage, CCN, aerosol particle size spectrometer and other equipment are equipped, and SP2, HTDMA, ice core counter and other equipment will be equipped in the later stage.
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