Airborne Atmospheric Sounding System
The airborne atmospheric detection system is equipped with advanced cloud particle macroscopic and microscopic detection equipment to collect cloud macroscopic and microscopic data information in real time, which is used to detect and analyze cloud microphysics and macroscopic weather conditions in the high-altitude environment, so as to further grasp the regional air clouds. The dynamics of water resources and operating conditions in the cloud provide data support for weather detection and operations.

The airborne atmospheric detection system is mainly composed of the airborne atmospheric environment macro parameter measurement system and the airborne microscopic particle measurement system. The airborne atmospheric environment macro parameter measurement system includes a cloud total moisture measurement subsystem, an atmospheric data measurement subsystem, a flight attitude measurement subsystem, a data receiving and display subsystem and an airborne dew point meter. The airborne microscopic particle measurement system consists of PCASP-100X passive cavity aerosol probe, CCP cloud particle combination probe, PIP precipitation imager, CCN cloud condensation nucleus counter, PADS particle analysis display system, external probe cable and customized cabinet.

  • Adopt mature technology, select products with reliable and stable performance, fully consider the environment of system construction and operation, ensure the stable and reliable operation of various equipment and software, and the system has strong fault tolerance and monitoring and management measures. Timely recovery in the event of a system crash

    High stability and reliability

    Adopt mature technology, select products with reliable and stable performance, fully consider the environment of system construction and operation, ensure the stable and reliable operation of various equipment and software, and the system has strong fault tolerance and monitoring and management measures. Timely recovery in the event of a system crash
  • The macro parameters such as total cloud water content, air temperature, air pressure, airspeed, angle of attack, sideslip angle, and supercooled water content in the flight detection area of the aircraft can be obtained. Microscopic particle parameters such as precipitation particles ranging from 100µm to 6200µm and particles ranging from 0.75µm to 10µm after activation of cloud condensation nuclei provide data support and guarantee for macroscopic and microscopic studies of high aerosols, clouds and precipitation.

    Detection range

    The macro parameters such as total cloud water content, air temperature, air pressure, airspeed, angle of attack, sideslip angle, and supercooled water content in the flight detection area of the aircraft can be obtained. Microscopic particle parameters such as precipitation particles ranging from 100µm to 6200µm and particles ranging from 0.75µm to 10µm after activation of cloud condensation nuclei provide data support and guarantee for macroscopic and microscopic studies of high aerosols, clouds and precipitation.
  • The design and implementation of the system saves project investment as much as possible. The system design has excellent performance and high cost performance. The design focuses on reality and practical results, adheres to the principles of practicality and economy, and makes full and rational use of domestic equipment resources to help users save project investment.


    The design and implementation of the system saves project investment as much as possible. The system design has excellent performance and high cost performance. The design focuses on reality and practical results, adheres to the principles of practicality and economy, and makes full and rational use of domestic equipment resources to help users save project investment.
  • Design and implement the project according to the requirements of standardization and standardization. The hardware configuration and software adopt internationally standardized technology to avoid the obstacles of system interconnection; fully consider the compatibility of the system, and each sub-system can support subsequent upgrades, expansion and development.

    Strong scalability

    Design and implement the project according to the requirements of standardization and standardization. The hardware configuration and software adopt internationally standardized technology to avoid the obstacles of system interconnection; fully consider the compatibility of the system, and each sub-system can support subsequent upgrades, expansion and development.

The airborne atmospheric sounding system can be used in the fields of aerosol-cloud interaction, artificial weather modification, and cloud physics research. It is of great help to the study of cloud formation processes, cloud particle studies, climate studies, aircraft icing, hurricane and storm studies, weather and climate change, contrails and freezing-induced cirrus cloud chamber studies.

The operation aircraft of the Weather Modification Center of the China Meteorological Administration has adopted several airborne equipment of Hangzhou Qianhai Technology, which provides a scientific and technological basis for studying the complex problems in cloud and fog precipitation, and assisting the follow-up aircraft observation of cloud and fog precipitation and weather modification scientific experiments. and data storage.
The picture shows the operating aircraft and airborne equipment of the Weather Modification Center of the China Meteorological Administration
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