2), Water Collector, Inorganic Carbon Analyzer, Total Alkalinity Meter, pH Analyzer, Navigational Carbon Dioxide Partial Pressure System" />
Ocean Acidification Measurement System Scheme
Changes in carbon dioxide (CO2), the major end product of organic carbon degradation in nearly all aquatic environments, are often a measure of net ecosystem metabolism. Therefore, in aquatic biogeochemical studies, the parameters that define the carbon dioxide system need to be measured. Carbon dioxide is also the most important greenhouse gas on Earth. Its air-water interface exchange flux is one of the most important issues in global change research and is often a measure of net ecosystem production/metabolism in aquatic systems.

The ocean acidification measurement system is mainly composed of a time series water sampler, a dissolved inorganic carbon analyzer, a total alkalinity titrator, a spectrophotometric seawater pH analyzer, and a navigational carbon dioxide partial pressure system, which are carried on the shipboard laboratory. It can also be equipped with Ferrybox ecological monitoring station, UCTD walking profile measurement system, WaMos II wave monitoring system and other equipment. Water samples are collected using a time-series water sampler (equipped with CTD sensors) and then entered into a marine chemistry laboratory to simultaneously measure dissolved inorganic carbon, total alkalinity, pH, and air-sea carbon dioxide fluxes in seawater.

  • The time series water sampler can collect water samples in the deep sea. The instrument can analyze the dissolved inorganic carbon concentration range of 0.2-20mM, pH measurement range of 0-14, carbon dioxide measurement range of 0-20000ppm

    Wide range of analysis

    The time series water sampler can collect water samples in the deep sea. The instrument can analyze the dissolved inorganic carbon concentration range of 0.2-20mM, pH measurement range of 0-14, carbon dioxide measurement range of 0-20000ppm
  • The UCTD walking profile measurement system used is extremely accurate (temperature ±0.004°C, salinity 0.02-0.05 psu, depth 1 dbar), and the analytical accuracy of laboratory instruments is as high as 0.1%

    high accuracy

    The UCTD walking profile measurement system used is extremely accurate (temperature ±0.004°C, salinity 0.02-0.05 psu, depth 1 dbar), and the analytical accuracy of laboratory instruments is as high as 0.1%
  • Applicable to all kinds of aquatic environments, the sample volume required by laboratory instruments is very small ≤ 50mL

    Strong applicability

    Applicable to all kinds of aquatic environments, the sample volume required by laboratory instruments is very small ≤ 50mL
  • The design and implementation of the project are carried out in accordance with the requirements of standardization and standardization. The hardware configuration and software adopts the international standardization technology to avoid the obstacles of system interconnection; fully considering the compatibility of the system, each sub-system can support subsequent upgrades and expansions. Development laboratory analysis Basically, one parameter can be measured within 5 minutes, and the speed of navigation analysis is faster, which can reach 1 minute.

    Faster analysis rate

    The design and implementation of the project are carried out in accordance with the requirements of standardization and standardization. The hardware configuration and software adopts the international standardization technology to avoid the obstacles of system interconnection; fully considering the compatibility of the system, each sub-system can support subsequent upgrades and expansions. Development laboratory analysis Basically, one parameter can be measured within 5 minutes, and the speed of navigation analysis is faster, which can reach 1 minute.
  • Basically, one of the laboratory analysis parameters can be measured within 5 minutes, and the walking analysis rate is faster, up to 1 minute

    High stability

    Basically, one of the laboratory analysis parameters can be measured within 5 minutes, and the walking analysis rate is faster, up to 1 minute
  • The instrument can realize automatic measurement, so as to realize unattended measurement and reduce labor costs

    high degree of automation

    The instrument can realize automatic measurement, so as to realize unattended measurement and reduce labor costs

The ocean acidification measurement system solution can be applied to a variety of aquatic environments including seawater, offshore bodies, sediment pore water, and time-series culture fluid samples.

The Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the South China Sea Institute of Oceanography, the First, Second, and Third Oceanographic Research Institutes of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center and other units have successfully used this ocean acidification measurement system scheme to obtain a large number of ocean acidification parameters. important data.
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